Inside Ageing
Workforce, not funding, is the real barrier to care minute compliance, new survey reveals

A new survey by aged care consultancy Mirus Australia has revealed that while most providers acknowledge the pressure of care minute compliance, operational and staffing challenges—rather than financial shortfalls—are the biggest barriers to meeting targets.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Mirus Australia, ManAd discuss partnership

Aged care data analytics and advisory service Mirus Australia and aged care software management system Management Advantage have joined forces with an aim of delivering greater value to aged care providers.

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Hello Leaders
RAD changes highlight pricing strategy complexities

Residential aged care providers have expressed varying degrees of confidence following changes to Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RAD) guidelines allowing providers to set far higher prices without external approval.

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Hello Leaders
New quality indicators: Will lifestyle care minutes add to your reporting headache?

Residential aged care providers face a quick turnaround to prepare for new quality indicator reporting as additional staffing reporting requirements are likely to stretch already strained resources.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Free pricing report available

Sector consultancy firm Mirus Australia is offering residential aged care providers personalised data-driven insights to help them maximise revenue potential.

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Aged Care Providers Urged to Reassess RAD Pricing to Tackle Financial Challenges

Many aged care providers are undervaluing Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RADs), leaving millions on the table.

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The Weekly Source
Mirus and StewartBrown launch Aged Care Effectiveness Index benchmarking tool

The Index measures the performance of the aged care sector, which can be used as a benchmarking tool for providers to track performance and shape strategy.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Room for improvement

Mirus Australia has teamed up with StewartBrown to launch the inaugural Aged Care Effectiveness Index to aid growth and improvement in the sector.

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Inside Ageing
Mirus Australia and StewartBrown unveil first aged care effectiveness index to foster sector improvement

This inaugural report provides an objective perspective on how effectively the sector is operating, with data-driven insights designed to guide improvements.

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Australian Aging Agenda
AN-ACC efficiency still a work in progress

While most aged care providers surveyed say that their funding and care minute strategies are functioning adequately, many are unsure, Mirus Australia poll finds.

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The Weekly Source
Mirus Australia: 57% not confident about their aged care home’s data handling

Just over half of respondents who attended a webinar hosted by the aged care advisory group disagreed with the statement they have proper applications in place managing their data safety and have no manual processes.

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Inside Ageing
Future of Ageing Awards winners revealed

Notable winners included Mirus Australia, who enjoyed success in the Technology – Business category, won the category for the Mirus Metrics AN-ACC funding application, and received a highly commended award for the Mirus AI platform.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Care minutes rising, says analysis

July data also shows RN care time exceeded mandatory 40-minute threshold.

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Hello Leaders
Allied health minutes enjoy unexpected growth in July

July saw a much-needed change in fortune for allied health minutes in residential care as a 20% jump led to a positive period for care minutes overall.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Sector ‘better off’ under AN-ACC survey shows

Sixty percent of aged care leaders, responding to a survey conducted by Mirus Australia, agree that their businesses are financially enhanced under AN-ACC.

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Hello Leaders
AN-ACC’s hit-and-miss financial impact still inspires innovation, survey finds

There are mixed reactions to the AN-ACC funding model’s long-term impact with just over half of the sector responding to a Mirus Australia survey and confirming their business is financially better off compared to the previous Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI).

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Aged care transitioning towards future profitability: survey

Aged care leaders are adapting to new funding structures and considering innovative strategies, a new survey has found.

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Inside Ageing
Aged care sees potential of innovative strategies for financial sustainability

A new survey by Mirus Australia of 233 aged care leaders from 170 organisations reveals the sector’s transition to the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) and its innovative strategies for financial sustainability.

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Hello Leaders
Early adopters of AI in aged care are already seeing its impact

Artificial intelligence has roared into the mainstream world with AI-based systems more accessible than ever. With that rapid rise comes plenty of uncertainty and apprehension and many of us are still learning about how it can be adopted and best used.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Changes to care minutes target

Adjustments have been made to the care minutes target, the government announced on Tuesday. The Department of Health and Aged Care has tweaked that directive saying providers can also meet 10 per cent of the RN target – 4.4 minutes (4 minutes and 24 seconds) – with care time delivered by an enrolled nurse.

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Hello Leaders
Providers achieve care minutes consistency but challenges remain

Aged care providers are standing on solid financial foundations after settling into a consistent run of form for their average daily subsidy and care minute totals in 2024, according to the latest findings from Mirus Australia.

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Hello Leaders
Unlocking the power of ‘Moneyball’ in aged care: A data-driven transformation

The ‘Moneyball’ revolution in baseball resonates deeply with the current situation in the aged care sector. Billy Beane’s famous quote, “We need to change the way we think about the game,” mirrors the imperative need for a paradigm shift in how we approach aged care in the era of AN-ACC.

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Hello Leaders
Care minutes dip as audits expose ineligible provider practices

As care minutes dipped in March, auditors are catching providers using ineligible inclusions, in some cases leading to unannounced visits. But with strong occupancy rates and ADS activity many providers are performing well.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Embrace AI, providers told

AI can help us. It can provide us with performance improvement that a lot of businesses around the world are starting to benefit from. It will augment a lot of tasks with a lot of skilled understanding.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Watch recording: Deep dive into aged care digital transformation

This recorded webinar features a technology-focused discussion with representatives from leading organisations including Mirus founder Rob Covino.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Take a deep dive into digital transformation

Develop a plan. Stay the course. Appoint local champions for technology and change. Do better or someone will come in and do it for you. Some pieces of advice industry leaders have for aged care providers regarding their digital transformation journey.

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Hello Leaders
Care minutes bounce back as concerning reclassification trend emerges

Care minutes totals have bounced back after a seasonal holiday dip, but there is reason to take stock of AN-ACC management styles as the age of AN-ACC reclassifications continues to rise.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Care minute error hits most homes

Published care minute targets for this quarter have changed for most residential aged care services – including by more than a minute for 41 per cent of services.

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Hello Leaders
Is the AN-ACC price hike a sustainable solution for providers?

Aged care providers are receiving another major funding boost after the Government announced an additional $2.1 billion investment to increase the AN-ACC price from December 1.

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Hello Leaders
Data mistake leads to Govt publishing inaccurate care minute targets

Fresh care minutes controversy has surfaced after the Government acknowledged it published inaccurate care minute targets that may have impacted some providers relying on Government data.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Government publishes wrong care minutes targets

Providers have been told by the federal government to calculate their own care minute targets in wake of revelations it has been publishing incorrect data for over a year.

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Hello Leaders
Confidence levels vary in care minute data management and AN-ACC transition

A lack of confidence in managing care minute data is one of the largest hurdles aged care providers currently face after Mirus Australia’s latest analysis of the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) transition.

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Australian Aging Agenda
RN minutes falling short

Aged care providers are continuing to fall short of the mandatory minutes of care residents should be receiving from registered nurses, new analysis shows.

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Hello Leaders
A major care minute milestone is surpassed despite falling RN minutes

Mirus’ MIA, November edition release, has revealed the industry has surpassed an important milestone: the sector-wide care minute average of 200 minutes per resident per day.

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Hello Leaders
Underreporting could prevent providers from achieving three-star Staffing Ratings

The data, which reflects nearly one-third of the residential aged care sector, still shows a shortfall in RN care minutes despite the increase, and with Mirus finding that 92% of facilities are under-reporting their care minutes, millions in funded rosters are not being reported.

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The Weekly Source
Lessons from ‘Moneyball’: residential aged care operators need to change their game under AN-ACC – or face non-compliance and financial instability

With mandated care minutes now in place, operators run a significant risk: let your occupancy drop and you may be over-spending on workforce. But reduce your staff by too much and you risk being caught out by the regulator. Could Hollywood provide a solution?

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Meeting Care Minute targets with efficiency and accuracy

From October 1st, care minutes are mandatory, but unfortunately, many aged care providers are still reliant on manual and retrospective processes to track and report on care minutes.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Sector grapples with reform anxieties

Aged care providers have serious concerns about the toll the reforms may have on their teams and the sector in the coming year, says a survey.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Not everyone backing user pay to increase viability

Almost all aged care leaders taking part in an industry survey say the sector’s funding is inadequate but only half think more opportunities to boost user pay revenue in accommodation and services is the solution.

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The Weekly Source
90% of aged care providers prepared to undergo “significant transformation” to increase financial sustainability

A new survey by the advisory group suggests that aged care providers are looking to overhaul their business models as the funding gap continues to widen.

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Mirus Australia
Statement to The Guardian

Operating efficiently is a shared goal of all the stakeholders in the industry, including residents, because it allows more funding to be directed towards care than towards administration.

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Hello Leaders
Keeping on top of your Quality Indicator reporting

Our Quality, Risk and Compliance Lead Katie Airey shares her perspectives with Hello Leaders on the new Quality Indicators and how providers can prepare.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Providers’ lack of AN-ACC know-how leads to subsidy shortfall: industry analysis

The average daily subsidy residential aged care providers have received under the sector’s new funding model is below government projections, according to industry advisors and benchmarkers Mirus Australia.

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Inside Ageing
Providers slow to adopt AN-ACC are missing out on $277m

New data from advisory Mirus Australia highlights that the Department of Health’s predicted average daily subsidy (ADS) of $225 per bed per day fell short by $4, leaving $277 million on the table as providers build their understanding of the AN-ACC funding model.

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The Weekly Source
Providers now have access to their AN-ACC shadow assessments

Aged care providers need to be looking closely at their workforce productivity, IT systems and data governance now if they want to come out on top with the commencement of AN-ACC. (This article is behind a pay wall).

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Australian Aging Agenda
Providers still waiting on key funding

The Budget has delivered providers an important piece in the puzzle in better understanding funding under the new model, but questions remain about whether it’s enough to meet incoming minimum staffing requirements.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Providers desperate for detail on new funding regime

A report from aged care consultants Mirus Australia released last week and a forum it hosted showed most providers are yet to prepare for the new funding model, largely because of a lack of information on top of the intense response required to COVID and workforce issues.

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The Weekly Source
CEOs from east to west join Mirus for
AN-ACC webinar

Mirus Australia has held a webinar to discuss the results of its AN-ACC survey, with several industry CEOs participating. The survey’s findings reveal that 70% of CEOs have done “little or nothing” to prepare for
AN-ACC, which replaces ACFI on 1 October.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Providers unprepared for new funding tool: survey

Aged care providers are ill-prepared for the incoming funding tool and pessimistic about maintaining current funding levels and the readiness of information systems, according to an industry report released today by Mirus Australia.

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The Weekly Source
70% of CEOs not prepared for AN-ACC: survey

The industry needs to do more to prepare for the implementation of the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) on 1 October, a study has warned. The survey by Mirus Australia found that 70% of CEOs have done “little or nothing” to get ready for AN-ACC.

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Inside Ageing
70% of CEO’s say their organisation has not started preparing for AN-ACC

Mirus Australia has today released the report ‘A new era in aged care funding’ AN-ACC CEO Survey, highlighting the sentiments and readiness of aged care leaders towards the implementation of the AN-ACC funding tool that will replace ACFI from 1 October 2022.

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The Weekly Source
Attention aged care providers: new Medicare web services start in just six weeks

Aged care operators have until 13 March to prepare for system changes. From this date, providers will require web services ready software to access Services Australia’s systems, including its aged care web services which are used to submit aged care claims and data to Medicare.

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The Weekly Source
The 3 key attributes of the ACFI coordinator in an AN-ACC world

“How will AN-ACC change my current ACFI resources?” is a question that clients ask us regularly. To help answer that, CEO Andrew Farmer wrote an opinion piece outlining what we believe are the three key attributes for an ACFI coordinator in an AN-ACC world.

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How are Australia’s emerging tech companies funding their growth?

Australian business leaders are realising their success won’t just be enhanced by their digital investment, it’ll be defined by it. Macquarie Business Banking are utilising innovative funding to support tech companies throughout the lifecycle of their business.

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The Weekly Source
Providers will need to invest in training existing staff and “contingent workforces”

Aged care providers will need to prioritise education and training to support the new funding model, star ratings and increased regulation, thereby creating “contingent workforces” to deal with the increased demand for workers.

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Australian Aging Agenda
MAAP – New interactive tool helps providers plan for AN-ACC

Mirus Australia has launched an interactive diagnostic tool to support aged care services transition to the residential aged care sector’s new funding model. The Mirus ACFI to AN-ACC Pathway (MAAP) tool provides a step-by-step framework to help aged care services plan for AN-ACC.

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The Weekly Source
MAAP – The new interactive tool to help prepare for AN-ACC

The Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI), the primary funding mechanism for Aged Care, will transition to the new Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model on 1 October 2022. Mirus Australia is releasing a new interactive tool to give providers a step-by-step framework to begin planning.

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Australian Aging Agenda
The Future of Work – a single platform solution

Four organisations have teamed up to solve the aged care industry’s key workforce challenges. Access to talent, effective management of workforce processes, skills development, retention and compliance and governance requirements are among the workforce challenges aged care providers must overcome daily.

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Australian Aging Agenda
A blueprint for aged care – a standard operating model

The industry needs a common approach to our systems and processes to help drive higher performance and a consistent outcome across different providers. Under a single regulatory framework, there are many ways a provider goes about managing its people, systems and processes. As an outcome, we see variable results.

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The Weekly Source
Aged care operators get help to manage AN-ACC funding model from Mirus Australia

Mirus Australia has launched a free online AN-ACC calculator to help aged care providers manage the transition to the new funding tool, the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC). The AN-ACC funding tool will replace the current ACFI system and is scheduled be live from October 2022.

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Australian Aging Agenda
Free tool to calculate funding entitlements under AN-ACC

Aged care consultancy Mirus Australia has launched an online calculator to help providers understand the new casemix funding model for residential aged care and differences in entitlements to the current tool. AN-ACC is in use for sector-wide shadow assessments and will replace ACFI from October 2022

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Inside Ageing
Get a head-start on managing AN-ACC: new calculator released

Aged care advisory Mirus Australia has launched a free online AN-ACC calculator, a first step in helping aged care providers manage the transition in funding models from ACFI to AN-ACC. The AN-ACC funding tool will replace the current ACFI system and is scheduled to go live from October 2022.

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