The new Aged Care Quality Standards – Standard 1: The Person
October 28, 2022 | Quality

By Katie Airey, Quality, Risk and Compliance Lead
On Wednesday 19th October 2022 the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) held a focus group session on Standard 1: The Person, as part of the consultation process for the revised draft Quality Standards.
As part of the new regulatory model, the draft Quality Standards have been developed to have greater focus on the older person, address issues raised by the Royal Commission, improve clarity, build on the existing standards, improve harmonisation – with NDIS Practice Standards and enable application of certain requirements.

The structure of the revised draft Quality Standards has been adjusted to include:
- An expectation statement – explains what older people can expect
- A number of outcomes, each supported by;
o Outcome statement – what the provider will be assessed against
o Number of actions – how the provider will demonstrate achievement of the outcome
Standard 1: The Person
Similar to the current Quality Standards, Standard 1 of the draft Quality Standards underpins how providers and their workforce treat older people who they provide care and services to.
The Standard retains many of the current concepts including;
- Treating older people with dignity and respect
- Valuing individual culture and diversity
- Respecting privacy
- Current, accurate and timely information
And aims to strengthen the focus on the below areas;
- Person-centred care –providers must be aware that a person-centred care approach is respectful of, and responsive to, the preferences, needs and values of each individual older person who receives care and services.
- Trauma aware care – it is important for providers to recognise that many older people coming into care may have experienced trauma during their lives. Providers must consider how this may impact older people when providing care and services.
- Dignity of risk – it is important that providers understand that older people have the right to make their own decisions about the care and services they would like, this includes their right to take risks.
- Culturally safe care – This means each older person’s identity is respected so that who they are, and what they need is not questioned or denied. Providers must deliver care and services in a way which is spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically safe while being respectful of older people.
The change in the framework of the Quality Standards has been designed to assist providers to understand the expectations and better support them to improve care and services though measurable outcomes of care.
Standard 1 – Overview
Expectation statement for older people
I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to live free from any form of discrimination. I make decisions about my care and services, with support when I want it. My identity, culture and diversity are valued and supported, and I have the right to live the life I choose. My provider understands who I am and what is important to me, and this determines the way my care and services are delivered.
Outcomes Statements:
1.1: Person-centred care
The provider understands and values the older person, including their identity, culture, diversity, beliefs and life experiences. Care and services are developed with, and tailored to, the older person. Care and services are provided in a way that upholds the rights of older people and fosters their relationships and social connections.
1.2: Dignity, respect and privacy
Older people are treated with dignity and respect, they receive care and services free from discrimination, and their personal privacy is respected.
1.3: Choice, independence and quality of life
Older people have independence and make decisions about their care and services, with support when they want it. Older people are provided accurate and sufficient information in a way they understand. Care and services are provided in a way that supports independence, dignity of risk and personal goals.
1.4: Transparency and agreements
Older people have autonomy and can take time and seek advice before entering into any agreements about their care and services. Older people are supported to understand agreements, fees and invoices.
For more details on the draft Quality Standards click here
The new Aged Care Act and supporting legislation will continue to set out detailed provider obligations.
Now is the time where providers can proactively embed a true person-centred care and rights-based approach to care delivery.
Learn more about how to manage quality, risk and compliance.