The Hunter sees health enhancements
October 7, 2014 | Aged Care Management

Australia is facing a growing population, and one that's set to age significantly over the next few decades. States like NSW are taking action now, and preparing to handle this population growth by renovating and expanding health facilities.
Investing now is the best way to ensure that the health needs of this population can be easily met as it continues to grow. John Hunter Hospital is currently seeing such upgrades, for example, and will stand as an example of a facility prepared for the future.
Expanding John Hunter
The John Hunter hospital campus is seeing a substantial number of upgrades, all of which will prove essential. In a recent visit to the developing facility, Health Minister Jillian Skinner and Member for Maitland Robyn Parker explained some of the upgrades.
Firstly, a new car park is being put in place to handle more than 740 additional spaces. This brings the total number of parks on the campus to over 3,400. What's more, additional car parks are currently being constructed to further prepare the campus for demand.
"Access to parking is an important issue for the community and I applaud Hunter New England Local Health District for boosting the number of car spaces so significantly," Mrs Skinner said.
New medical equipment
CT scanners are an essential tool for post-mortem results, and that's why one of the tools is being put in place at the Newcastle Department of Forensic Medicine.
This $600,000 machine will be able to help forensic pathologists take detailed scans of internal tissue to prepare comprehensive reports.
"The CT scanner is providing faster post-mortem results and minimising distress for families grieving the loss of a loved one," Mrs Skinner said.
Focusing on health
These upgrades are important, but they're certainly not the only medical developments currently underway in NSW. It's going to be important that the various states consider what action needs to be taken to prepare for a growing population – and one that's becoming older.
Aged care facilities should also be aware of the population changes, and take the time now to consider various upgrades that need to be put in place.
For example, expanding the number of rooms is certain to be necessary as resident numbers continue to climb.
What do you think are the biggest opportunities for success in the aged care industry today? Please contact us and let us know!