Expansion of the Quality Indicator Program in Residential Aged Care
October 4, 2022 | Quality

By Shannon Sanderson, National Business Development Manager and Katie Airey, Quality, Risk and Compliance Lead
The Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) has required Residential Aged Care Providers to participate in the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program (QI Program) since 1 July 2019. The purpose of the program is to improve quality, while also supporting providers to achieve better health outcomes for consumers in their care.
Currently the QI program requires providers to report on the following five indicators every three months, this data has been reported on since July 2021. The five indicators:
- Pressure injuries – percentage of care recipients with pressure injuries, reported against six pressure injury stages
- Physical Restraint – percentage of care recipients who were physically restrained
- Unplanned Weight Loss – percentage of care recipients who experienced
o significant unplanned weight loss (5% or more)
o consecutive unplanned weight loss - Falls and Major Injury – percentage of care recipients who experienced
o one or more falls
o one or more falls resulting in major injury - Medication Management – percentage of care recipients who
o were prescribed nine or more medications
o received antipsychotic medications.

The QI program is set to expand to a total of 11 quality indicators.
The following indicators have been added to the program to help providers measure, monitor, compare and improve their services:
- Activities of Daily Living – Percentage of care recipients who experienced a decline in activities of daily living
- Incontinence Care – Percentage of care recipients who experienced incontinence associated dermatitis
- Hospitalisation – Percentage of care recipients who had one or more emergency department presentations
- Workforce – Percentage of staff turnover
- Consumer Experience – Percentage of care recipients who report ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ experience of the service
- Quality of Life – Percentage of care recipients who report ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ quality of life.

From April 2023 providers must commence collecting data on the new quality indicators and submit their data in the reporting period 1st – 21st July 2023.
The QI program forms one part of the new Star Ratings System for residential aged care providers. The Star Rating System comes together though four evidenced based data components, with the QI program weighting 15%. The star rating system commences in December this year and will enable consumers to understand how one home is performing in comparison to another.
Further information on QI reporting and upcoming changes can be found here: https://www.health.gov.au/news/new-residential-aged-care-quality-indicators
Our Quality Team can assist you to manage and meet reporting requirements of your Quality Indicator Program. Please reach out if you would like to know more.