Sustainability Policy
This policy provides an outline of how Mirus Australia is operating sustainably and managing its impact on the environment. Mirus Australia strives to be a good corporate citizen and lead by example in operating sustainably.
The policy
Guiding principles:
- To comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice;
- To integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions;
- To ensure that all staff are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it;
- To minimize the environmental impact and increase the sustainability of all office and transportation activities;
- To make clients and suppliers aware of our Sustainability Policy and encourage them to adopt sound sustainable management practices;
- Give preference to suppliers taking into consideration their sustainability practices; and
- To review, report on, and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance.
The process
Travel and meetings:
- Where alternatives are available and practical, minimise travelling to meetings or gatherings e.g. using online resources
- Time meetings efficiently to avoid multiple trips;
- Walk, cycle and/or use public transport to attend meetings, site visits and gatherings, whenever possible and practical;
- Facilitate regular client contact by providing virtual training and webinars to clients.
Purchase of equipment and consumption of resources:
- Minimize our use of paper and other office consumables e.g. by double-siding all paper used, and identifying opportunities to reduce waste;
- Arrange for the reuse or recycling of office waste where possible e.g. paper, computer supplies, and redundant equipment;
- Reduce battery use by replacing with rechargeable batteries in all practical situations; disposing of used batteries in recycling collection points;
- Reduce the energy consumption of office equipment by purchasing energy efficient equipment and practicing good housekeeping;
- Seek to purchase electricity from a supplier committed to renewable energy;
- Seek to maximize the proportion of renewable energy sources, and investment in new renewable energy schemes;
- Whenever organising giveaways to clients, potential clients, or employees, consider sustainable and reusable options;
- Make donations seeking to offset carbon emissions from our activities;
- Pay special attention to consumables most highly used in Mirus offices e.g. toilet paper, coffee, copy paper, printer toners, and paper towels;
- Opt for the most suitable sustainable option and recycle waste;
- Ensure that consumables, whenever available, are from sustainable and/or fair-trade origins.
Working practices and advice to stakeholders
- Undertake voluntary work with the local community and/or environmental organisations;
- Ensure that any associates that we employ take account of sustainability issues in their advice to clients;
- Ensure all clients, future clients, and suppliers are aware of our sustainability policy