The Single Assessment System is here
December 12, 2024 | Aged Care Reform

By Taran Minhas, Senior Consultant
The Australian aged care sector is on the brink of another major change. With the introduction of the Single Assessment System (SAS) from 9 December 2024, the days of navigating multiple assessment processes, facing inconsistent eligibility criteria, and juggling fragmented referral pathways will soon be behind us. Instead, a unified approach will streamline how older Australians are assessed and supported, creating a more equitable, transparent, and person-centred environment. For residential aged care and home care providers, this shift signals an important opportunity to get ahead of the curve—starting now.
What’s changing?
Historically, older Australians seeking aged care services could undergo assessments by different teams and tools:
- Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT) for higher-level care needs (e.g., Home Care Packages and residential care).
- Regional Assessment Services (RAS) for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and entry-level home support.
Moving forward, these separate workforces are merging into a single, integrated assessment workforce that will use a standard, comprehensive assessment tool. This holistic framework aims to deliver consistency and fairness, ensuring every older Australian is guided to the right level and type of care without unnecessary red tape.
What providers can do now
1. A more streamlined intake process:
As the Single Assessment System starts, referrals will originate from a unified point of contact. Providers that position themselves early to engage with this new structure can benefit from improved efficiency, fewer administrative headaches, and a clearer pathway for prospective clients. Now is the time to evaluate your intake processes—are they taking into account a standardised stream of assessments?
2. Consistent eligibility and needs identification:
Under the SAS, assessments will follow uniform criteria. By understanding these forthcoming standards, you can better predict the types of services your clients will be needing. This insight could inform your workforce planning, resource allocation, and long-term strategies, ensuring you have the right mix of services prepared to meet demand.
3. Enhanced Person-Centred Care:
A unified assessment doesn’t just standardise processes—it shifts the focus towards the whole person. With the new assessment tool looking at a client’s social, emotional, cultural, and functional needs, you’ll have richer insights into who your clients are and what they want. Are your care models and staff training ready to support a more holistic, consumer-focused approach?
4. Competitive advantage through proactivity:
Transition periods often come with challenges. Providers who adapt early—updating policies, refining workflows, and training staff—will stand out in a changing market. Demonstrating preparedness and thought leadership could build trust and credibility with your clients, their families, and referral sources.
Practical steps to get started:
- Stay informed: Regularly check for updates and guidance from the Department.
- Review internal processes: Audit your intake and documentation procedures now, so they’re ready to align with the new standards.
- Train your team: Invest in professional development to ensure staff can confidently apply their insights of the new assessment approach.
- Utilise available resources: Access useful resources, such as the Single Assessment System – Assessment Organisations by Service Area, Region, State and Territory, to understand who is providing assessments in your region and how you might engage or work with them.
The shift to a Single Assessment System represents significant opportunities for improved care coordination, quality, and efficiency. But as with any major reform, it can feel complex and daunting. Our team is dedicated to guiding aged care providers through change—improving operational efficiencies, leveraging data-driven insights, and delivering strategic support as you navigate these reforms. From tailored consulting and training to practical digital solutions, start the conversation now. Contact us for the Aged Care Reform Transition Support Program today.