Robots and Metrics: Keeping up to date with technology in the aged care sector

March 28, 2014 | Technology

We’re living in a digital world, where technology is ever-changing and keeping up with the latest developments is no longer optional, but obligatory.

No industry is immune to such advancements – not even the aged care sector. In fact, a number of research projects have been conducted and prototypes developed specifically for aged care facilities and their residents.

The most exciting in recent years have looked into the benefits of telepresence robots – devices that can be controlled remotely, usually through a wireless connection. These were the focus of a symposium held at Griffin University on Wednesday (March 26) and led by Professor Wendy Moyle.

Professor Moyle has been working with telepresence robots for many years now, and has demonstrated the benefits they have for Australians living with dementia.

In 2012, she was involved in the trial of a high-tech robot called Gerry, an “easy to use, totally portable technology” that helps dementia patients communicate with family and friends, according to Australian Ageing Agenda.

There’s also Paro, a robotic harp seal developed in Japan, which enables aged care facilities to give residents the benefits of animal therapy without having to open their businesses to live animals!

While it may be many years before telepresence robots are commonplace in aged care facilities across the country, there are a range of technological developments that are already on the market and can help your business run more efficiently.

One of these is Mirus Metrics. This is an innovative analytical tool that you can use on your mobile devices or access through an internet browser. It’s designed to complement your current revenue management system and help you optimise funding through the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI).

Or there’s the Mirus ACFI Calculator app, which provides aged care facilities with an easy way to figure out their ACFI funding, and streamline your documentation methods.