Rethink: Rostering the right amount of staff based on care requirements.
July 7, 2020 | Workforce Management
When the aged care industry discusses appropriate level of staff for an aged care facility, staffing ratios typically comes into mind.
It is reported that the industry’s average care staff hours worked per resident per day is 3.23. The Royal Commission also recommended a 4-star rating approach indicating an average of 3.1 to 4.41 care staff hours per resident per day.
In 2019, the Queensland government mandated a minimum of 3.65 care staff hours per resident per day with a ratio of 30% registered nurses, 20% enrolled nurses and 50% assistants in nursing.
At Mirus Australia, in partnership with our clients we provide a Workforce Diagnostic to provide an end-to-end examination of the workforce function, including understanding whether our clients are potentially under rostering or over rostering based on resident’s care needs.
Resident care need levels are derived from ACFI claims on a resident by resident basis. Individual resident scores were rolled up to a per Site value, allowing for an average daily ‘resident population care requirement’ to be calculated.
Since ACFI is a reflection for acuity, this methodology provides a solid baseline for the benchmarking analysis performed across multiple providers by Mirus, with evidence to support improved facility performance post benchmarking analysis.
Our workforce diagnostics will provide greater operational insights to our clients, typically resulting in overall cost savings, standardisation of rosters and increased efficiency.
Want to find out more? Please get in touch with Joyce.
Joyce Boon is Manager, Workforce at Mirus Australia and with her team, they are optimising staff coverage to the care needs of a provider’s residents, minimising the complexity of interpreting awards and integrating technology for improved financial sustainability in aged care.
Please get in touch with us to find out more about Mirus Works! or please connect with Joyce via LinkedIn