Your Quality and Compliance Partner

Our team partners with aged care providers to provide independent services and a transparent perspective to maintaining compliance, and to prevent non-compliance. Our review process will tell you how your systems are working, where the gaps are and recommendations to mitigate any risk.


Head start

Our Quality standards transition program supports your team with transitioning to the Revised Quality Standards. Our team will work with you on a transition plan, to ensure compliance. This program includes an intensive workshop along with on-going support to ensure compliance across all aspects of the 7 standards.

Quality indicator analysis & reporting

Get quarterly analysis and reporting ready to submit via the provider portal. Our team will cross-check your data, ensuring accuracy and improving productivity of your key personnel. Our reporting is in line with the data you need to submit for the new Quality Indicator program commencing April 2023.

Capacity support

Remove the documentation burden from onsite clinical resources and allow them to focus on delivery of quality care outcomes, by partnering with us for capacity support. We will ensure compliance in Standard 2, provide an independent and accurate consumer survey results for QI reporting, while also identifying opportunities to optimise revenue.

Care management system effectiveness report

Get insights on your data quality with our CMS and quality analysis report. This report provides an overview of your documentation against your process’s and compliance across the Quality Standards.

SIRS compliance auditing

This audit will review the effectiveness of your incident management system, including analysis of your response to incidents and cross check against consumer documentation. The findings of the report will provide recommendations to get your compliance back on track.

Key risk audits

Manage your compliance across the Quality Standards. Our key risk audit reports are customisable across all 8 standards, insights allow management teams to understand performance measures against the Standards and reporting provides recommendations for remediation.

Internal Reviews

Utilise our team’s expertise to undertake a deep dive into your systems to proactively identify risk of non-compliance. Internal reviews can be tailored to your needs and can be used as part of your continuous improvement planning.

Formal Complaint Management

Get support for formal complaint management by partnering with us to ensure a robust complaint review, investigation and formal response. You’ll also minimise the time constraints on managers, improve transparency and build trust by using an independent complaint management process resulting in improved complaint resolution.

Sector Performance Overview – Q1 July-September 2024

Residential Care


Residential care site visits


Non-compliant services (Residential)


Residential Care Complaints


Priority 1 reportable incident


Priority 2 reportable incidents

Top 10 non-compliant requirements (Residential)

  1. 8(3)(e) Clinical governance framework
  2. 8(3)(d) Effective risk management systems and practices
  3. 6(3)(d) Feedback and complaints are reviewed
  4. 3(3)(a) Safe and effective personal and clinical care
  5. 2(3)(a) Assessment and planning informs safe and effective services
  6. 3(3)(b) High impact or high prevalence risks managed effectively
  7. 8(3)(c) Effective governance systems
  8. 7(3)(e) Regular assessment, monitoring/review/performance of workforce
  9. 7(3)(d) Recruitment training and support
  10. 2(3)(e) Regular reviews of care and services

Home Services


Residential care site visits


Non-compliant services (Residential)


Residential Care Complaints


Priority 1 reportable incident


Priority 2 reportable incidents

Top 10 non-compliant requirements (Home Services)

  1. 8(3)(c) Effective governance systems
  2. 8(3)(d) Risk management systems and practices
  3. 8(3)(e) Clinical governance framework
  4. 2(3)(a) Assessment and planning informs safe and effective services
  5. 3(3)(b) High impact or high prevalence risks managed effectively
  6. 3(3)(e) Sharing information to optimise care
  7. 2(3)(d) The outcomes of assessment and planning are  effectively communicated to the consumer
  8. 2(3)(e) Regular reviews of care and services
  9. 2(3)(b) Assessment and planning identifies current needs
  10. 8(3)(b) The organisation’s governing body promotes  a culture of safe, inclusive and quality care

We work with you to ensure the cost of proactive compliance maintenance is cost neutral