Mirus Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 146 677 312) as trustee for the Mirus Australia Unit Trust (ABN 12 332 619 396), and its related companies (collectively Mirus, we, us, our), is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information.  We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and, in particular, by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which set out the standards of collecting, holding, using and disclosing your personal information.  This Privacy Policy explains the way in which we handle your personal information, and the ways in which you can contact us about the personal information that we hold about you.


What is personal information?

“Personal information” is information about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual.  This includes your name, your date of birth and your contact details, and may also include sensitive information about your health, and also payment and resident data.


Collecting your personal information

If you are a resident or applicant for residency of an aged care facility, Mirus provides advice to aged care facilities about their entitlements to subsidies and other money from the government based on the nature of the services provided by the aged care facilities and the characteristics of their clients (i.e. you).  To assist aged care facility clients of Mirus to get their entitlements, Mirus needs information about that facility’s clients (i.e. you), which is mainly collected from the aged care facility’s Medicare Online accounts, through a secure password.  This is the most substantial and significant personal information (including sensitive information) that we collect about you and, as noted, it is collected by us from a third party and not directly from you.

Whether through Medicare Online, an app provided to or used by your aged care facility or otherwise, we may collect the following personal information about you as a client of an aged care facility which we assist:

  • name, date of birth and contact details;
  • Centrelink reference number, driver’s licence, and/or Medicare details;
  • information about your health and capacities; and
  • information about your relevant financial affairs.

Other than the above information about you as a client of an aged care facility, we may also collect other personal information (including, where provided, the type of your computer or mobile device and GPS coordinates of your mobile device) that is reasonably necessary for the purpose of running our business.

You consent to us collecting, using, disclosing and holding all of your personal information (including your sensitive information) as detailed in this privacy policy.

If you are an employee, consultant, agent or representative of an aged care facility client or potential client or an individual who contacts us via our website, an app provided to or used by you or otherwise:

  • for information or with a query, we may collect your personal information such as name, address, title, company name in order to assist in the provision of our services to our clients and/or respond to your inquiry; and
  • to provide us with any personal information of any other persons(s), you warrant that you have the appropriate consent from such individuals to provide their information to us and that you have provided to them (or made them aware of where they can obtain) a copy of this privacy policy.


Our purposes for collecting personal information

If you are a resident or applicant for residency of an aged care facility, we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information:

  • to analyse or support the government entitlements of those aged care facilities that are our clients, based on the characteristics of you as their client/resident
  • complete the applications to be lodged by the aged care facility to obtain appropriate government entitlements
  • to maintain our business records
  • to provide our service providers and related entities with such information as is necessary for them to assist us in the provision of our services
  • for any purpose required or permitted by law
  • for any purpose otherwise or separately disclosed to you and to which you have consented
  • to otherwise run our business and assist our aged care facility clients.

If you are an employee, consultant, agent or representative of an aged care facility client or potential client or an individual who contacts us via our website, an app provided to or used by you or otherwise for information or with a query, we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information, as relevant:

  • to assist us provide our services to our aged care facility clients
  • to answer your query, provide you with the information you requested or provide our services to you
  • to our service providers and related entities for them to assist us to provide our services or respond to your query or request for information
  • to maintain our business records
  • to provide you, in your business capacity, with marketing communications, information and offers related to our services and products, until such time as you opt out of receiving such marketing communications
  • for any purpose required or permitted by law
  • for any purpose otherwise or separately notified to you
  • to otherwise run our business and assist our aged care facility clients

If you do not provide us with or we are unable to collect your personal information we will, if you are a resident or applicant for residency, be unable to assist our clients to obtain the government entitlements in respect of your residency at their facility and this may impact the fees you need to pay to the facility. If you are not a resident or applicant for residency, failure you to provide your personal information to us may result in our inability to provide our services to our aged care facility clients or answer your query or provide you with the information requested.


Disclosing your personal information

When we provide our services, we may disclose your personal information to our clients (i.e. the aged care facility in which you reside or to which you have applied), related companies, business partners, professional advisers (such as lawyers, accountants or auditors), external service providers (such as information technology service providers) that assist us with providing our services, regulatory bodies and government authorities and as required or authorised by law. We do not disclose your personal information to any third party outside of Australia.


Security of your personal information

We hold your personal information in both paper-based and electronic files – all of our processes and databases reside within Australia including our email servers.  We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from:

  • misuse, interference and loss; and
  • unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.


Accessing your personal information

You may request access to your personal information that we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer at privacy@mirusaustralia.com. If we refuse access to your personal information, we will provide you with a written notice which sets out the reasons for our refusal.  We may recover our reasonable costs (if any) in responding to a request for access to your personal information.


Correcting your personal information

We seek to ensure that the personal information that we hold about you is accurate, up-to-date and complete and, in the case of our use or disclosure of that information, relevant as well.  To assist us with this, we encourage you to contact us if you believe that any information that we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, and make a request that we correct your personal information accordingly.  You may make such a request by contacting our Privacy Officer at privacy@mirusaustralia.com

We may use the personal information of the employees, consultants, agents or representatives of aged care facilities in order to provide such aged care facilities with information about our products and services which we think may be of interest to them.  You may opt out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time if you no longer wish to receive this information on behalf of the relevant aged care facility.  In order to do so, simply contact our Privacy Officer at privacy@mirusaustralia.com and request that we no longer send marketing communications to you or opt out in the way suggested in our communications.


Questions and complaints

If you have any questions, or if you believe that we have not complied with our obligations under the Privacy Act, or if you believe that the security of the personal information that we hold about you has been compromised in any way, please contact our Privacy Officer at privacy@mirusaustralia.com We will review your question and/or complaint and respond as soon as possible.  If you are dissatisfied with our response, you may direct your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by email at enquiries@oaic.gov.au or by telephone on 1300 363 992.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may make change to this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will attempt to notify you of significant changes directly or post notice of any changes to this Privacy Policy on our website. If you continue to use our services after any such changes, you will be deemed to accept and agree to such changes.

Created 23 February 2017; Reviewed February 2025.