
The Award Engine is a powerful feature within our workforce management solution Mirus Works, designed to tackle the complexities of interpreting awards and enterprise bargaining agreements (EBAs) . It automates the calculation of pay and conditions rules, to ensure accurate payroll processing and real-time cost management.

What problem does it address?

Costing schedules for workers in home & community care is particularly complex. Traditionally, wage calculations are handled by payroll systems after the roster period ends, which often leads to delays in understanding labour costs and compliance risk. This lack of real-time visibility can result in missed opportunities for cost-efficiency and unexpected payroll errors.

Even with thorough planning, rosters can be disrupted by unplanned leave, sudden changes in care needs, or other unexpected events. Without integrated award interpretation, these changes can lead to overspend and compliance issues.

The Mirus Works Award Engine integrates with your client management system allowing you to interpret and cost visits before, during and after they’ve happened.

Key features of the Award Engine:

  • Payroll integration: After the roster period, the system accurately generates award-interpreted timesheets, streamlining the payroll process. Managers can approve timesheets and directly export them to payroll, reducing administrative tasks and managing compliance.
  • Accurate forecasting: The award engine supports roster budgeting and cost forecasting  helping you stay ahead of broken rules and manage them before they become an issue.
  • Custom reporting and financial impact analysis: Facility-level and custom reporting features allow you to assess the financial impacts of being over or under budget, offering valuable insights for improved financial management and decision-making.

Benefits for your business:

  • Efficiency and control: Automating award interpretation saves time and provides greater control over labour costs, enabling better decision-making in real-time.
  • Reduced payroll errors: By integrating award calculations into the rostering process, you significantly reduce the likelihood of payroll errors, ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time.
  • Peace of mind: With real-time data and accurate cost forecasting, you can manage your workforce confidently, knowing that you have the tools to prevent overspend and ensure compliance

To find out more about how Mirus Works! Award Engine can work for you, reach out today (in-built form)

Find out how Mirus Works Award Engine can work for you