Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA) – January 2023 edition
January 31, 2023 | Aged Care Finance

56% of AN-ACC assessments older than 12 months
Rob Covino presents Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA), a series of monthly insights into the key performance indicators and cumulative industry trends from the 90,000+ beds we monitor for financial sustainability.
Welcome to the January 2023 edition of Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA).
Revenue management (starts at 0:08)
We welcomed 2023 with a slight bump up in average daily subsidy achieving $221.50 ADS for all permanent residents, this was a $0.47 improvement from the previous month. By facility type, the ADS retracted slightly which we attribute to low reclassifications rates. 56% of AN-ACC assessments are now 12 months or older.
Occupancy (starts at 02:09)
Occupancy levels continued their positive trend upwards increasing to 86.5% at the end of December.
Workforce management (starts at 02:34)
The national average for care minutes remained short of the anticipated 200 mins national average achieving only a slight increase last month to 196.56 from 196.14 as of the end of November. Watch the video on how this breaks down across care requirements.
As a MIA subscriber you will have access to the full data set
breakdown as a downloadable PDF
Get insights for your own organisation against the industry data
Benchmarking & Insights allow you to compare your Average Daily Subsidy (ADS) to the industry average. You will also gain valuable insights into your AN-ACC claiming activity and benchmarking to support your occupancy, revenue, and workforce strategies. What’s even better, is that it’s free.
Click here to benchmark your facility today
About Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA)
We love numbers and we love data! With one of the largest Aged Care databases in Australia, each month we bring you MIA – a monthly wrap up of insights captured from data covering 90,000+ beds.