Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA) – March 2022 edition
March 16, 2022 | Aged Care Management

Occupancy declines, yet acuity of admissions continues upward trend
Rob Covino presents Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA), a series of monthly insights into the key performance indicators and cumulative industry trends from the 90,000+ beds we monitor for financial sustainability.
Welcome to the March 2022 edition of Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA).
Revenue management (starts at 0:10)
The sector saw a modest growth of 0.56 cents throughout the February period. The Voluntary ACFI claiming (or funding uplifts) across the industry achieved a 1.09% growth, after hitting a five-year low in January. Watch the video for more including the Average Daily Subsidy for the industry, complex health care (CHC) trends including 4b and 5 and claims greater than 12 months.
Admissions management (starts at 5:28)
Occupancy levels declined again in February, dropping to just below 87%, but the acuity of admissions continued an upward trend. However, our industry sample of permanent admissions saw a rise in new permanent admissions. Watch the video for more including % of new admissions from hospitals, new ACFI’s versus departed ACFI’s, average age of admissions and respite bed days used.
Workforce management (starts at 6:21)
The largest growth in care minutes over the month of February came from workforce profiles, which are not included within the ‘200’ min case mix average target. Agency minutes worked on a per bed per day basis saw a 23% growth and allied health minutes grew by 32%. Watch the video to see data on register nurse (RN) minutes, delivered care minutes per bed per day, Assistant in Nursing (AIN)/Enrolled Nursing minutes and more.
As a MIA subscriber you will have access to the full data set breakdown as a downloadable PDF.
Get insights for your own organisation against the industry data
Benchmarking & Insights allow you to compare your Average Daily Subsidy (ADS) to the industry average. You will also gain valuable insights into your ACFI/AN-ACC claiming activity and benchmarking to support your occupancy, revenue, and workforce strategies. What’s even better, is that it’s free.
Click here to benchmark your facility today
About Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA)
We love numbers and we love data! With one of the largest Aged Care databases in Australia, each month we bring you MIA – a monthly wrap up of insights captured from data covering 90,000+ beds.