A Mirus Australia white paper: people and change
May 22, 2018 | Aged Care Management

Leadership Series: People and the forces of change.
Author: Sam Lam | MIRUS AUSTRALIA 2018
Every business is impacted by external factors, no more so than the business of providing care. Whether your organisation is small or large, for-profit, not-for-profit or government owned, based in metro, regional, rural or remote Australia, if you are providing care to older people, you will be impacted by many external factors – sometimes positive and sometimes negative.
“For aged care providers to remain relevant and viable in a rapidly and constantly changing environment, we ask leadership teams to consider what these external influencers are and what they mean for the sustainability of their services,” says Sam Lam, Organisational and People Development Expert. Mirus Australia
At Mirus Australia, we believe people are an organisation’s greatest asset. Attracting, retaining and engaging with all staff is vital, as ultimately this will directly or indirectly influence the quality of care and service provided. Given the external changes impacting the provision of care, new ways of leadership, thinking and operating models are required to not only assist people to manage these changes but to support a culture of excellence and the opportunity for the workforce to thrive.
Let’s review a popular model used to conduct an external scan . . . the Mirus Australia white paper named Leadership Series: People and the forces of change.