How do these three technologies apply to aged care?
January 20, 2016 | Technology

From facility managers to nurses, those working in aged care have likely come across new terms such as cloud computing and digital document work flows.
We’ve talked about the importance of new technologies like telehealth in the past, but what about the other options? Across the globe, companies are taking advantage of new ways of working – and aged care can do the same. Here, we’ll take a look at how providers can use the cloud, digital documents and smartphones to create more efficient operations.
Cloud computing can have a big impact on aged care facilities.
Going into the cloud
From backing up important documents to a secure online location to reducing IT costs significantly, cloud computing can have a big impact on aged care facilities. It’s perhaps one of the most significant technologies of the past decade, and for good reason.
It’s true that the cloud covers a number of technologies, but this flexibility is one of the greatest benefits. For an example of the value in cloud technologies, a Dimensional Research survey of 101 IT decision makers found that an overwhelming majority (85 per cent) planned to take advantage of the systems by the end of 2015.
Turning to documents
Record-keeping is one of the most important facets of aged care facility operation, as staff rely on these documents to check medications, preferences and payment histories. For many providers, this is one area of operations that’s going to be sorely in need of a new approach.
The answer? Digitisation. By scanning paper documents into a secure computer system only accessible by authorised staff, it’s both easier and safer to see resident records.
“The opportunity to digitise, automate, and optimise document-intensive work flows is an area that is frequently overlooked by business leaders but is one that can provide both tactical and strategic advantages for organisations,” Holly Muscolino from International Data Corporation explained.

Effective communication
As with record-keeping, staff need to be able to communicate easily and quickly across facilities. With aged care providers opening multiple operations, in some cases staff will even need to communicate across a city. With smartphones, there’s an effective solution.
By using powerful and portable devices, staff can talk via traditional calls or even video conferencing. When linked to data plans, staff can also access the aforementioned cloud storage systems and view patient records. Given the benefits of smartphones, it’s really no surprise that research organisation Gartner is predicting such strong mobile data growth.
“Mobile data traffic is soaring worldwide, more than tripling by 2018,” Research Director Jessica Ekholm said.
The ongoing release of new and more capable technologies has now become a fact of life, and it’s time providers start to realise this fact. While this may seem a difficult undertaking, there’s no denying the benefits for operations. To learn more about bringing your facility into the 21st century, reach out to Mirus Australia today.