How digitisation can help an aged care facility
April 17, 2014 | Aged Care Management

Aged care facilities have a difficult task ahead throughout 2014, with industry changes and an increase in residents on the way.
As a result, facilities are having to manage massive amounts of paperwork – with this set to rise even further throughout the year. A number of industries have already begun to discover the solution, with implementation in various stages.
Technological advancements in new processes can have a substantial impact on the operations of an aged care facility – especially when it comes to improving productivity.
Digitisation, in particular, is seeing growth in a number of different sectors, and the processes can easily be applied to aged care. By taking the time to implement a digitisation strategy, an aged care facility will be able to access old files faster, quickly update records and ensure information security.
The trend involves the transition or conversion of paper-based systems to digital alternatives – for example, a resident filing system containing all medical information to a digital file system. With a digital system, access from different computers in a facility is faster, thus improving efficiency.
Instead of manually copying documents and transporting them to a different building, the file can simply be transferred over a network – even mobile devices are able to access the information. This enables much faster care, and at a greater level of quality thanks to increased availability of information.
Mirus Australia can be of substantial benefit to aged care facilities dealing with difficult changes, and Mirus is available to assist by providing a wealth of useful information, thanks to experienced staff who are always happy to help.
There's also the Mirus Metrics tool designed to help providers to more efficiently manage ACFI. Having the Mirus Metrics on an iPad means ACFI information is never far away.
What do you think are the biggest opportunities for success in the aged care industry today? Please contact us and let us know!