Evolving aged care to meet emerging standards
October 10, 2015 | Aged Care Management

The general state of many sectors today is obviously a far cry from what we would have seen 100 or even 50 years ago, and not just in terms of industry-specific factors.
Providers will need to focus on recruitment.
In every business, there's a legal requirement to conform to health and safety standards and government regulations. When looking at different industries more closely, such as age and health care, it's clear that there's pressure to offer a higher standard of care across the board, and train staff with a range of useful skills.
What's more, providers also need to meet Accreditation Standards, as it's a responsibility for them to ensure that homes are up to scratch. These standards cover areas such as management systems, staffing, health and personal care, and the physical environment.
Standards are set to continue climbing, however, so how can aged care evolve?
Meeting new standards
Stepping up recruitment
It's going to be critical for aged care providers to step up recruitment initiatives, bringing on skilled staff to ensure they're able to provide the necessary level of care for elderly residents.
While it may not seem like it, staff will play an essential role as aged care continues to move forward.
Focusing on care
A point that ties into the one made above, it's critical that providers and staff are able to maintain a high standard of care across facilities. As the number of elderly people continues to climb, a larger number of residents will require higher levels of care for illnesses such as dementia.
Ensuring financial sustainability
Perhaps most importantly, providers will need to focus on ongoing financial sustainability, or recruitment and high levels of care could become useless. Assured funding means providers can continue to operate facilities and expand when required.
Thankfully, there are numerous tools available to make sustainability an easier undertaking.
The other considerations
A report from Davis Langdon noted that many aged care providers will also need to invest in fire hazard prevention, privacy, comfort and access measures – along with mobility considerations.
Providers will also need to ensure buildings and sites have sufficient space to provide for residents and allow for the new additional amenities.
Aged care is fast evolving, and providers will need to think seriously about how they can meet the needs of residents while adhering to stricter standards.