Digital Media: Diagnose your “digitally confident” audience
May 8, 2020 | Uncategorised

“Change is always possible if you have the courage to make it happen.”
When was the last time you purchased a glossy magazine and read it cover to cover?
Digital media dominates our recreational time, not only entertainment and education but up-to-date news, sharing of opinions, reviews and information about products and services.
It may be unsurprising the rapid growth among the ‘youth’ of Australian on social media channels, but what about the older demographic and your target audience?
An example, Social Media News report as of January 2020 there are 16,000,000 monthly active Australian users on Facebook. While users skew to the 25-34 age group, there are more than 1.25 million Facebook users over 65 in Australia and nearly 6m between the ages of 40 and 64.
In 2018, the Office of the eSafety commissioner said almost 90% of Australians in 50 to 70-year-old brackets have a smartphone that can connect to the internet. The report titled Understanding the digital behaviours of older Australians says approximately 70% of older Aussies use the internet multiple times a day. In fact, older Aussies are almost three times more likely to access the internet multiple times a day. This is also a result of the fact that this group is dominated by younger ‘digitally confident’ age groups such as those aged 50–65.
With just some of these statistics in mind, have you reviewed your organisation’s digital media strategy amidst today’s changing landscape? Are you currently connecting with your audience in a meaningful and effective way?
To evaluate your digital media performance, please start with these questions:
- What is your average engagement on social media channels?
- Are you small screen sensitive to your audience’s needs?
- Do your audience insights reflect/support your overarching marketing strategy?
- Are you connecting with the right people at the right time?
- Are you getting the right response? If you are not, do you know why?
- Is your current digital media strategy successful and how do you measure this?
Don’t be alarmed if you do not have all the answers. Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram or with Mirus Marketing for a channel diagnosis or simply connect with us for more cool content.
Need help on any other marketing things? Please contact us and stalk Mai Jane, Digital Marketing Manager on LinkedIn. In April 2020, the post reach on the Mirus Australia facebook page grew by 484% with a simple adjustment.