Could mobility optimise your aged care workforce management?
May 4, 2016 | Aged Care Management

Mobile technology is helping millions of Australians stay connected every day, with people across the country turning to smartphones, laptops and tablets for a variety of needs.
In fact, the Australian Communications and Media Authority last year revealed that 12 per cent of the nation’s residents don’t have fixed-line internet or telephone facilities.
These people instead rely solely on their mobile devices. Furthermore, the trend is not just taking hold in Australian homes; businesses across multiple industries are also taking advantage of the anywhere, anytime benefits that technology brings.
Aged care is no exception, and one area where providers can optimise their processes through enterprise mobility is workforce management.
Let’s examine some of the benefits of mobile technology, how these advantages apply to aged care workforce management and what organisations can do to improve their performance.
Using mobile-ready workforce management solutions can help providers ease a number of burdens.
Why choose enterprise mobility?
Mobile devices offer organisations many benefits, including portability, better collaboration and 24/7 availability. Ultimately, employees can access the key documents and applications they need at a time and location that’s most convenient for them.
These advantages have a direct impact on productivity; a recent Intuit study found that Australian small businesses save an average of nine working weeks per year by using mobile devices. Forty per cent of respondents also reported revenue increases of approximately 8 per cent.
But how does this help aged care providers? Well, organisations within the sector frequently have to deal with new legislation, ongoing financial pressures and increased demands on staff.
However, using mobile-ready workforce management solutions can help providers ease a number of burdens via simplified employee scheduling, better timesheet processes, the efficient assignment of tasks and much more.
Crucially, mobile functionality ensures all these features are available whenever and wherever they are required.

Switching to cloud-based software
Global figures from PwC’s latest HR Tech Survey show organisations are keen to benefit from the cloud when optimising their workforce management. In fact, one-third of respondents said they chose software-as-a-service options so that key human resources processes were accessible via mobile devices.
An increasing number of Australian businesses are turning to technology and software that encourages enterprise mobility. Aged care providers that want to maximise their workforce management efficiency may wish to re-evaluate their current setup and consider investing in new solutions to create productivity gains.
If you would like to discuss the benefits of workforce management solutions and mobile technology, please contact Mirus Australia today.