COTA congratulates Senior Australian of the Year
January 30, 2016 | Aged Care Finance

Leaders and role models are important in any field or industry, especially those sectors undergoing significant stress. In Australian aged care, such examples are going to prove essential as the industry grows larger every year and continues to feel the weight of regulatory strain and a larger population.
One such role model has set a strong example for this, Senior Australian of the Year Professor Gordian Fulde. In fact, Council On The Ageing (COTA) came forward to congratulate Professor Fulde following the announcement.
A noteworthy Australian
Gordian Fulde was the Director of Emergency at St Vincent's Hospital and Sydney Hospital for well over three decades over the course of his career. In fact, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that he was actually the longest-serving head of an Australian emergency department.
COTA Chief Executive Ian Yates came forward, saying that there was an incredible array of finalists this year, demonstrating the amazing efforts of elderly Australians in a number of fields.
Senior #AusoftheYear is longest serving ED department director Professor Gordian Fulde
— HuffPost Australia (@HuffPostAU) January 25, 2016
"The announcement of the Senior Australian of the Year is a great celebration of the contributions older people have made, and continue to make, to our communities," he said.
"Every day there are millions of Australians over the age of 65 inspiring others with their energy, wisdom and passion."
He explained that Professor Fulde demonstrates these qualities, "having them in spades".
Over the next few years, as aged care continues to experience strong growth across the country – and throughout the world – role models like Professor Gordian Fulde will only become more important as leaders among the elderly population.
If you're interested in learning about the future of aged care Down Under and how providers can best prepare for significant financial challenges, reach out to Mirus Australia today.