Considerations aged care facilities need to make
April 16, 2014 | Aged Care Management

Operating an aged care facility is no easy task, especially when it comes to caring for a large number of residents with various health and accessibility considerations, and employees with needs of their own. On top of this, ACFI optimisation and various policy reforms have to be considered.
Before making any changes to your aged care facility operations, have a look at the list below.
ACFI optimisation
Changes are frequently being made to the ACFI, causing aged care providers to become confused, and subsequently slow down operations. This doesn’t have to happen, as tools and expertise are available to render assistance.
In addition, with education and support given to a facility, providers can significantly increase funding. This will become necessary over the next few years, as demands on facilities will likely climb exponentially thanks to an influx of residents.
Education and ACFI optimisation, if put in place early, can have lasting benefits for a facility and benefit operations.
Finding out how your facility ranks can be extremely useful, highlighting areas where improvements are needed. In an increasingly competitive aged care environment, getting an idea of where a facility stands can mean smoother operations.
By using benchmarking, a facility can see how industry changes (such as reforms) have an impact, and areas where improvements need to be instigated. By doing so, a facility can focus energy and attention where it’s necessary.
If you’d like to find about more about optimising your aged care facility or aged care education, Mirus Australia is available to assist by providing a wealth of useful information and expertise.
To assist with funding, there’s also the Mirus Metrics tool, deigned to help providers have a more efficient process to manage ACFI.