Providers share lack of confidence in care minute data management 

November 28, 2023 | Aged Care Reform

In our most recent survey, involving 192 Australian aged care organisations, we uncovered more on the industry’s struggle with care minute data management.  The survey findings underscore the need for targeted support in managing AN-ACC care minute data. As the majority express concerns or uncertainty, it is clear that there is a shared challenge within the industry.

Are you ready for Care Time Reporting Assessments?

October 5, 2023 | AN-ACC

Within 18 months of 1st October, every provider will receive an assessment, and this will reoccur every 3 years or at random based on risk. The purpose of these assessments is to ensure accuracy of care minute reporting in Quarterly Financial Reports and 24/7 RN time in line with the 24/7 RN responsibility.