Mirus ACFI Calculator

March 4, 2014 | Aged Care Management

The Mirus ACFI Calculator app was designed to make the lives of facility managers and ACFI coordinators easier. The Mirus ACFI Calculator app also supports continued education around the ACFI…

How Could Mirus Work For You?

December 1, 2013 | Aged Care Management

“The education and support has been fantastic.” Regional, rural and remote businesses in Australia have always faced unique challenges including skills shortages; the need for improved and efficient infrastructure; and…

The Importance of Choice

September 11, 2013 | Aged Care Management

By Tom Murphy, Consultant – Mirus Australia “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets…