The upcoming budget: What aged care wants to see
The budget is on the way – and there are certainly going to be a significant number of impacts for the aged care sector.
The budget is on the way – and there are certainly going to be a significant number of impacts for the aged care sector.
Aged care faces numerous challenges, but the ACSA Position Paper calls for useful changes that could prove invaluable as the sector grows.
Australia stands to learn quite a lot from the Japanese aged care sector, as the country is dealing with problems Australia will face in time.
Workforce challenges abound in the aged care sector, but there are a number of proposed solutions, many of which should be considered.
Australia faces a significant number of aged care staffing issues, and it’s going to be important to address these in the near future.
Digitisation is something that’s important in nearly every sector across Australia – but especially healthcare, given the need for managed information.
A new fully integrated electronic health management system is currently being rolled out across North West Hospital and Health Service facilities.
Challenges abound in the Australian health care sector – especially when support is required for an increasingly ageing population.
The aged care sector depends on clear lines of funding, especially in order to deliver the necessary levels of care. But there are roadblocks.
The aged care sector is rapidly changing and it’s important to consider just how important reforms will be over the next few years.