The Trust Series: People + Technology = Trust
March 19, 2021 | Workforce Management
In the previous blogs, we explored:
1. How trust affects productivity and effectiveness within the organisation.
2. Productivity and effectiveness are often a common denominator to innovation and morale.
4. The importance of trust in aged care in 2021.
Technology has also opened a world of possibilities that few could have imagined.
From time clocks to self-service human-resources platforms that allow people to manage their payroll and benefits directly, technology in the workplace is being adapted to benefit the human experience. However, these positive developments have only scratched the surface of what is truly possible.
Technology in an organisation today must enable people to be more productive, efficient and innovative; stay connected internally and externally; and feel safe and cared for. It should never replace but rather facilitate the comfortable and expeditious flow of people, ideas and emotions.
Modern technologies process requires linking and recognizing new knowledge, which in turn requires the internal advancement of human capabilities and knowledge. Any technological advancement is said to impact the performance of organisations in a positive way, which therefore affects the employees’ productivity and performance (Mudford, 2000).
In a day-to-day level of operations, the use of technology such as workforce rostering, admission management CRM simplifies processes and helps ensure that your team can focus on doing what they are doing best: caring.
Ask yourself the following questions:
How have you utilised technology to connect with your teammates/employees?
Did you recognise any behavioural change from the patterns of your workforce management system? If someone constantly clocks in late, what does it say to you? Likewise, if someone is always overworked, do you think they are completely satisfied with the workload?
There are more angles than one that you can decipher from a workforce management system or any CRM for that matter. At the end of the day, it is about the people behind it. Technology + people = trust is the answer.
Other blogs in The Trust Series:
- How trust affects productivity and effectiveness within the organisation
- Trust is the link to innovation and morale
- Building trust at work
- The importance of trust in aged care in 2021
Want to find out more? Please get in touch with Tom.
Tom Murphy is Head of Workforce Management at Mirus Australia and with his team, they are optimising staff coverage to the care needs of a provider’s residents, minimising the complexity of interpreting awards and integrating technology for improved financial sustainability in aged care.
Strength in numbers. Is the short answer. Please get in touch with us to find out more about Mirus Works! or please connect with Tom via LinkedIn