Data-led decisions in an
AN-ACC world
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Webinar overview
The new AN-ACC funding model will bring with it an unprecedented connection between funding (case mix) and minimum care minutes.
- From October 2021, care minutes data was added to the annual ACFR information reported to the department.
- From July 2022, this reporting will become a quarterly requirement.
- In October 2022, the implementation of AN-ACC and the launch of the star rating system will introduce a new requirement to meet minimum care minutes derived from an AN-ACC case mix adjusted average for the facility.
- In October 2023, the care minute requirement will become a mandatory compliance requirement.
The paradigm shift for the industry is created by the connection of the care minute requirement to the AN-ACC classifications. This causal link means that any change in AN-ACC will directly affect the demand side of rostering. Further, any change in the resident mix will change the AN-ACC Average Daily Subsidy (ADS) and the care minute requirements. To maintain compliance with the star ratings or later mandatory care minute requirements, an adjustment to AN-ACC or to the rosters will need to be made.
So how do you ensure you have the data to support decision-making?
Some aged care providers are beginning to draw together the data they need to operate using an integrated data model leveraging a system, process or platform. The essential data, in order, includes:
First: Admissions data. Visibility of your admissions pipeline, and your departures will help plan long range changes (6-8 weeks) to your AN-ACC and therefore care requirements.
Second: Workforce data. Stable, well defined master rosters and templates will help you flex and maintain compliance.
Third: AN-ACC (Medicare) data. This is last because it is the case mix that drives the potential funding and care minutes. Any change in the case mix adjusted average funding (ADS) will also adjust care minutes. This is the lever that might be the most easily adjusted.
Your hosts

Andrew Farmer
Partner of Mirus Australia
Andrew’s focus is to enable growth and change through innovation and empowering people. As a Partner of Mirus Australia, Andrew leads the business strategy so that Mirus performs the best way it can for its people and customers. With 30 years experience across major industries including Health, Banking, Manufacturing and Consulting, Andrew has specialisation in sales and marketing leadership, commercialisation, strategy, innovation, workshop design and facilitation, analysis/problem solving and articulating value.

Tyler Fisher
Senior Manager, Data and Analytics
Tyler is the Mirus Australia Data Scientist who oversees the largest combined database of aged care information covering workforce, government expenditure and all key performance metrics relating to funding. Tyler has strong data management and statistical analysis skills and was previously a Revenue Manager for NSW Health.
Industry panel

Shilpa Jose
General Manager – Group Strategy and Performance at Bolton Clarke
Shilpa is an effective Senior Executive and key influencer with global and Australian experience, particularly within for-purpose organisations. Over the last 15 years, Shilpa has worked with Blue Care, RSL Care, Churches of Christ, TriCare and Bolton Clarke and has a track record of successfully leading key strategic transformational initiatives, revenue generation and optimisation, fundraising, mergers, acquisitions, growth and divestments within these organisations. This vast experience fostered her pursuit to seek financially sustainable ways to optimise client outcomes.

Caroline Conway
Head of Revenue at Anglicare
As part of her role as Head of Revenue at Anglicare Sydney, Caroline is tasked with leading the organisation’s transition in one of Aged Care’s most significant changes, the AN-ACC funding model. With senior management roles in local and multi-national companies in Marketing, Sales and Operations across a variety of industries such as FMCG, Electronics and Aged Care, Caroline and has successfully led multi-disciplinary teams to deliver strategic transformational projects and targets and has a passion for delivering the best possible outcomes for staff and residents.