Supporting aged care with advanced robotics
A new study has found Australians to be quite trusting of robots – could the machines provide a staffing solution in the aged care sector?
Keep informed with regular insights, data, reports and analysis of aged care industry trends and issues
A new study has found Australians to be quite trusting of robots – could the machines provide a staffing solution in the aged care sector?
Bupa have recently turned the first sod at the site of a new aged care facility in Queensland, one that will provide 108 beds and an onsite GP.
Aged care growth is certainly going to mean providers will be required to take action, but they’ll also need to be aware of palliative care requirements.
A growing aged care population depends on a strong network of research and collaboration – and that’s exactly what ILC has set out to achieve.
Dementia is currently growing in Australia, with further rise in numbers predicted in the near future. These issues need to be addressed now.
NSW faces a growing population, but the state stands prepared now more than ever with grants for new medical technologies and transplant techniques.
A new Alzheimer’s study in the US, Europe and Australia hopes to advance understanding of the illness – crucial for elderly Australians.
Effective aged care sector management is needed, and that’s why the efforts like the South Australian Innovation Hub trial are needed.
The Australian Medical Association has outlined the need to deliver medical care directly to aged care facilities. Could this change be effected?
A new report has detailed startling figures in regards to Australian poverty, and action will need to be taken in the near future.