Back to the future: The importance of real-time data
James Price co-founder at Mirus Australia on the importance of real-time data
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James Price co-founder at Mirus Australia on the importance of real-time data
Please join Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA), a monthly video series hosted by Rob Covino.
Tom Murphy is Head of Workforce Management at Mirus Australia and with his team, they optimise staff coverage to the care needs of a providers residents, minimise the complexity of interpreting awards and integrate technology for improved financial sustainability in aged care.
What does your follow-up approach look like? When you are in the day to day of managing sales and admissions, it is easy to get caught up in how things are, or how things have been done in the past.
In residential care, some Admissions managers say that if you don’t get back to a potential customer in 24 hours, you have lost them. So, how long do you have to respond to a new enquiry?
Sustainability is a buzzword and covers everything from eco-friendly practices to your aged care facility’s financial status.
Tom Murphy Head of Workforce at Mirus Australia on Strength in Numbers: capacity and culture insights from your data.
James Price co-founder at Mirus Australia on Strength in Numbers and why the one-stop-shop won’t work.
Please join Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA), a monthly video series hosted by Rob Covino.
Tyler Fisher, Tom Murphy and James Price on what are we planning at Mirus Australia in response to the budegt 2020 announcement.