3 strategies to resource your care minute target
Practical steps for providers that support and grow a sustainable workforce to meet your care minute target.
Keep informed with regular insights, data, reports and analysis of aged care industry trends and issues
Practical steps for providers that support and grow a sustainable workforce to meet your care minute target.
In our April webinar on Quality Transformations and Star Ratings we surveyed our attendees to help understand what industry representatives think and feel about these changes.
Implementing the 24/7 RN requirement can be a significant challenge for aged care providers, who will need to balance the needs of their cohort of consumers with the resources available to them.
Please join Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA), a monthly video series hosted by Rob Covino.
Why we are giving away 1000 training courses to residential aged care providers to upskill on AN-ACC.
One of the most important things you can do to prepare for the Quality Standards is to check that your staff are trained and ready to undertake their tasks and roles under these revisions. We cover the detail of the standards in this blog.
By Andrew Farmer, Partner Strategy….it is what allows you to create focus and direction for your business. In its simplest form, strategy is answering 3 questions: (1) Where are we?…
Helping aged care governing bodies, executives, and senior management prepare for the imminent QI additions and revised Quality Standards in the future.
Please join Mirus Industry Analysis (MIA), a monthly video series hosted by Rob Covino.
Under AN-ACC, care minute data is crucial for all admission and reclassification decisions because it is required to determine if resident movements and reclassifications will be truly beneficial for the site, or if they will push care minute targets beyond the current workforce capacity.