Admissions Management: 5 Es Model + the CX experience
January 28, 2021 | Assessment and Optimisation

Customer experience or CX, is your customers’ holistic perception of their experience with your organisation or brand. CX is the result of every interaction a person has with your organisation, from navigating the website to talking to customer service and receiving the product and/or service they bought from you.
At Mirus Australia we use the 5E model to facilitate workshops with our clients to help them gather and analyse their own evidence of the customer experience and communicate their ideas with each other.
There are two (2) guiding principles:
(1) Empathy or stepping into the shoes of your clients and residents and their families and friends
(2) Design which includes experimenting with changes that will increase the likelihood of a great customer experience.
For each stage of the 5E model we consider our clients and residents thoughts and feelings, as well as their positive and negative actions and results.
“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.”
Brene Brown
A snapshot of the 5Es model:
- Entice: what will trigger their interest?
- Enter: what impression do we create?
- Engage: what does the interaction to decision look like?
- Exit: what is the lasting impression?
- Extend: is there an opportunity for a future relationship?
Check out the 5E model we use at Mirus Australia to facilitate client workshops to better understand why, when and how their customer experience works at organisations.
You can download a copy here and please contact us for more information on facilitated workshops.